Facilitator Commitments:
I commit to facilitate our sessions co-creatively with you, offering guidance from my decades of training and experience and respectfully honoring the abundant wisdom in the room.
I commit to maintaining confidentiality regarding the experiences of all individuals in the groups.
I commit to hold a large, compassionate, tender space of curiosity and wonder with each of you.
As a practitioner and human, I commit to upholding principles of anti-racism, anti-ableism, feminism, and affirming of people of LGBTQIA2S+, and varied bodies, gender identities, sizes, ages, and multi (or non) faiths.
In our groups, I commit particularly to supporting the voices of those of more marginalized identities.
I hold my role as an educator who also practices somatic therapy work with great care. I acknowledge that I am not a licensed psychotherapist nor trained medical professional and that these groups, though certainly therapeutic, are not psychotherapy groups. As such, I welcome all the feelings that may arise in each body in the room, and encourage cultivating awareness, curiosity, and resource through the sensations and images beneath them. However, I also commit to do my best to balance the educational experience of all members in the room.
Group Member Policies -- by choosing to attend groups facilitated by Stefanie you indicate your agreement with the following guidelines:
You commit to maintaining confidentiality regarding the experiences of all individuals in the groups.
You commit to payment and regular attendance for the full period of a six consecutive-months' term, to be renewed at subsequent six month intervals.
You understand that "regular attendance" is a suggested minimum of twice per month in order to support the intimate container of the group.
With the understanding that "life happens" and unexpected events arise, you agree to inform Stefanie by text or email if you will be late or unable to attend a session, ideally, with at least 24 hours notice.
Among our group members, within and outside of our sessions, you commit to upholding principles of anti-racism, anti-ableism, feminism, and affirming of people of LGBTQIA2S+, and varied bodies, gender identities, sizes, ages, and multi (or non) faiths.
You agree to make prompt contributions of the full monthly fee, (or at your current, honestly appraised level
on the economic justice rate scale) on a consistent date before or between the 1st and 5th of each month*.
You understand that it is not up to Stefanie to remind you or to request these payments.
You understand that any given month may include four (or even five!) sessions -- or fewer, depending upon holidays.
You understand that membership contributions are not pro-rated depending upon the number of
sessions you attend per month.
You understand that electronic payments via Venmo, Cash App, or recurring monthly bank transfer are the preferred methods of payment:
Venmo: Stefanie-Cohen-1
(last four digits of phone# -- 1517)
In order for me to avoid fees, please do not "turn on for purchases" but make the payment as a friend.
Cash App: $Movingstories
You acknowledge that as a facilitator, Stefanie is not a licensed psychotherapist nor trained medical professional and that these groups, though certainly therapeutic, are not psychotherapy groups. You honor all the feelings that may arise in your body (and in others') in the room. You practice cultivating awareness, curiosity, and resource in the sensations and images beneath them.
At a point at which you would like to end or take a break in attending the group -- ie. will not be renewing for the next six month "term" -- you will give at least one month's advance notice, fulfill any remaining financial commitment for the six-month period, and attend
two final sessions in order to:
1) let the group know your plans, and
2) to wrap up together.
Having done so, you know that you are free to reach out to join again at another time.
* You understand that one late payment (posted after the 5th of the month) will be accepted as a courtesy. You understand that a second late payment is then subject to a $20 late penalty.
Group Guidelines and Agreements